The coziest time of year

Our guest often ask us: “when is the most wonderful time of year to visit Langedrag?” And of course we answer: “all year around!”. But, there is something absolutely magical about wintertime, and now we’re going to tell you about it.

The barn is especially beautiful in its white wintercoat, and the view from Langedrag makes it feel like you are in a fairytale – this makes the wintertime very special. All the animals are wearing their finest winter coats. The fur of the arctic fox is the warmest nature can create and you can experience it up close through guided tour or fox camp. Our huskies love to go sledding and can take you on shorter or longer trips in the mountains close to the farm. We recomend to experience this unique way of getting out in nature. The huskies are extra cute to cuddle with because they have the fluffiest winter coat and welcome you with wagging tails in the morning or at husky camp.

At the end of January and beginning of February, the barn is filled with lovely little baby goats who love cuddles and attention. It is not easy to get out once you have settled in well with your own baby goat on your lap. It’s real Langedrag magic.

Mountain fox

The mountain fox is the animal with the warmest fur. Come visit Langedrag and experience the mountain fox – you get to feed it from your hand. If you join Revecamp, you can even learn tricks!

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